Educação ambiental na educação básica – anos iniciais: relatos de experiência


  • Janete Teresinha Camargo
  • Lucia Ceccato Lima


Ensino Fundamental. Sustentabilidade. Meio Ambiente.


Environmental Education (EE) is a formative basis for society to create strategies that act in accordance with the ideals of sustainable development. Based on this assumption, the human being, with its increasingly advanced technologies, is based on education to link the quality of life of men and nature, because since we depend on it, it is of great importance to keep it in harmony. The present article seeks to describe the activities carried out in a school environment on EE, since this theme is an essential and permanent component of national education, and must be present, in an articulated way, at all levels and modalities of the educational process, in character formal and non-formal. Therefore, EE can and should be widely addressed with elementary school students - Early Years. Carrying out activities such as: Cultivation and maintenance of the garden, separation of solid waste and composting. This work took place between the months of August and October 2022, with a weekly meeting in each class, being them from the 4th and 5th year, with positive results, students more responsible for the environment, presenting initiatives for changes in the school environment itself, as well as in familiar. It is perceived that this type of project must be expanded and maintained, as in such a short time it has obtained this return, certainly in a continuous project we will have citizens with a more promising perspective on the environment in which it is inserted.


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