Análise microbiológica em aparelhos celulares de estudantes do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Lages


  • Elifas Costa Silva IFSC - Campus Lages
  • Pamela Tais Burigo IFSC - Campus Lages
  • Diego Bittencourt Machado IFSC - Campus Lages


Análise microbiológica, Celulares, Bactérias


Currently, cell phones are indispensable in both social and professional fields. They are

easy to carry and recharge and have countless functions that characterize their
indiscriminate use. They are present every day, during meals, basic needs, in constant
contact with our faces, hands and skin. Therefore, knowing that cell phones are
increasingly integrated into our daily lives, and that perhaps due attention is not given to
proper hygiene, a study was proposed to analyze the presence of microorganisms on cell
phones. This study was conducted at the Federal Technological Institute of Santa Catarina
- IFSC, Campus Lages, with the participation of the academic community. The collection
process was carried out using sterile swabs on the screens of each student's cell phone,
which were then inoculated into Mueller Hinton and MacConkey culture media.
Additionally, a sociodemographic questionnaire was applied. Out of the 30 sampled cell
phones, bacterial presence was detected in 66.7%, while the remaining 33.3% showed no
colony growth on the Petri dishes. Therefore, the cell phones of IFSC Campus Lages
students represent a potential health risk. The declared hygiene routine does not decrease
the potential for these infectious agents. Students who reported cleaning their devices had
approximately 10% more chance of having their cell phones with bacterial growth.


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