Ações e estratégias para o combate efetivo ao câncer ginecológico no Brasil


  • Thiago Pereira Goulart Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC)


Câncer, Ginecologia, Prevenção


The present study sought to carry out a survey in the specialized literature, in Portuguese
and with full disclosure in open access journals, on the main actions and strategies
regarding the fight against gynecological cancer in Brazil. Thus, the work carried out a
narrative review, which combined a systematic search in two of the main indexing
databases of open access literature in Brazil - BVS and Scielo - in order to characterize
the predominant actions in terms of screening, prevention, therapeutic practices. and the
segment of neoplastic pathologies that most affect the female population in all life cycles.

Thus, a strong tendency was found to focus actions on treatment and segment, in addition
to secondary prevention. Thus, the set of data raised in the analysis, after critical analysis
from the hegemonic practices in Brazilian public health, show the need to reorient efforts
towards actions and strategies of greater breadth in terms of screening and prevention, in
addition to individualization and humanization of health care in this segment.


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