Teacher training and historical-dialectical materialism:

critical analysis with new thinking approaches.



teacher training, Historical-dialectical materialism


The aim of this article is to understand the structural origins of teacher education within the paradigm of historical-dialectical materialism. Historical-dialectical materialism, as applied to the context of teacher education, presents a critical view of the social, political, and economic conditions that influence education and the teaching profession. As a methodology, a search was conducted in the database of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), identifying the main Marxist authors in the researched works, in order of recurrence: Karl Marx (2004, 2008, 2013), Friedrich Engels (2007), and Antonio Gramsci (1999-2002). The results indicate that the contributions of these authors are fundamental to understanding the trajectory of teacher education, providing theoretical and practical contributions to student training. This education is understood as a dialectical, historically constructed process in which educator and student are considered active agents in educational practices and in the process of social transformation.


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