Emmerging pollutants: a systemic view


  • Pamela Tainá Schleger Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias (CAV), Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)
  • Paula Andressa Wünderlich de Andrade


Emerging contaminants, Environmental monitoring, Water quality


The theme of emerging pollutants has been highlighted as research shows the effect of

these compounds on aquatic organisms, implying effects on the human body. It is
common knowledge in the scientific community that conventional effluent and water
treatments are notable to remove these compounds, causing a cycle of emerging pollutants
in the environment. This article aims to analyze this cycle, highlighting the role of water
and the influence of basicsanitation in reducing the number of ways that allow the
contamination of the environment bythese compounds. The analysis of the cycle of
emerging pollutants in the environment shows that these compounds should be removed
before being dumped into water bodies, avoiding effects on aquatic organisms, although,
there would still be a presence of these compounds in water bodies due to the reception
of surface runoff from areas of agriculture that receive pesticides, leading to the
conclusion that the problem is not so easy to solve. Make it possible for households to
access the sewage collection network, in order to concentrate these compounds in a single
way, implement advanced treatments in domestic effluents, encourage the use of
agricultural pesticides with formulations that do not contain these compounds and
implement monitoring programs, in order to observe the concentration and effects of these
compounds in watercourses, these would be actions that would address short-term results.


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