Analysis of the main comorbidities and delivery routes in pregnant women with COVID-19 in Santa Catarina


  • Ana Luiza da R. O. Nerbass Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC)
  • Anna Luiza Lunardelli Padilha Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC)
  • Eduarda Sachett Médica pediatra, Lages-SC, Brasil
  • Vanessa Valgas dos Santos Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Saúde - Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages, Santa Catarina, Brasil


COVID-19, Pregnancy, Comorbidities


In December 2019, an unknown etiology disease emerged. After a virus isolation and
molecular analysis, it was possible to identify that the etiological agent was a new
pathogenic human coronavirus that was causing COVID-19. In addition to the
identification of SARS-CoV-2 binding to ACE2 receptors in alveolar cells, it was also verified that it bound to the placenta, so pregnant women were considered a risk group
during the pandemic, if they contracted the new virus. Thus, this new time of change
brought questions about the impact of the disease on pregnancy. Subsequently, new
studies showed that the severity of the disease increased with the types of previous
comorbidities in this population, with risks for both the mother and the newborn. The
studies also showed the delivery routes in these patients, listing possible perinatal
complications and the methods chosen by professionals working in the area in the defined
period of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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