Óleos essenciais para melhora da concentração durante avaliações escolares em estudantes de escola pública: relato de experiência


  • Albanir Rosa Pereira
  • Giovanna Dall Olivo da Luz
  • Singra Couto Strickert
  • Lenita Agostinetto
  • Ana Emília Siegloch
  • Cleonice Gonçalves da Rosa


Óleos essenciais. Estudantes. Ansiedade.


This study reports the use of essential oils to improve concentration during tests in new high school students in a public school in São Joaquim. There was an improvement in the grades and averages of the classes involved, suggesting that the use of essential oils can be a solution to alleviate anxiety and improve concentration during tests. This study proposes that the use of essential oils be considered in schools or study routines to improve student performance. The use of Lavender and Rosemary essential oils in electric diffusers proved to be effective.


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