Perceptions of hospital radiology performance during the beginning of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic in Santa Catarina


  • Ana Luiza da Rosa de Oliveira Nerbass Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC)
  • Patrícia Alves de Souza Secretaria do Estado de Saúde (SES), Santa Catarina, Brasil.


Coronavirus infections, Radiology, Health professionals


This manuscript reports the experience of a radiology professional in the face of the onset of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic in southern Brazil. It includes the changes in the professional routine (image diagnosis), including the review and creation of organizational protocols as well as preventive safety measures for professional and patient. We also described the experienced anxieties preceding the first cases as well as the healthcare in the hospital diagnostics sector at the peak of the epidemic in the Southern region. The professional perceptions in the context were related to experiences already published, referring to that atypical moment. We concluded that the psychosocial and work impact in the life of the professional in the hospital environment is relevant due to the sudden change in workflows, adaptation and enhancement of social isolation, during the outbreak of COVID-19.


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