Declínio de Jacaranda puberula (carobinha) em uma floresta ombrófila mista em Lages-SC


  • Bianca Lamounier da Silva Lima
  • Marciano Martins Artismo
  • Victória Oliveira Cabral Hassan
  • Victoria Guimarães Raupp
  • Maria Julia Carvalho Cruz
  • Ana Carolina da Silva


Dinâmica florestal, Fragmento florestal, Caroba


The objective of this study was to investigate the dynamics of Jacaranda puberula Cham. (carobinha) over a 13-year period in an Araucaria Forest fragment in Lages, SC, Brazil. This species was inventoried in permanent, systematically stratified plots in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2021. Recruitment, mortality, basal area gain and loss rates, and net change in number of individuals and basal area were calculated over three inventory periods (2008-2012, 2012-2016, and 2016-2021). Frequency histograms of individuals in diameter classes were also obtained for each inventory year. Both the number of individuals and basal area decreased over the years of observation, resulting in negative net changes in all study periods. This population decline in the studied fragment may be due to J. puberula being an initial species of succession. The results of the histograms confirm this pattern, as the decline occurred primarily in individuals in the smallest diameter classes, i.e., the younger ones, suggesting that the population is not being replaced by new individuals.


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