Inoculação da aveia branca para cultivo com menor impacto ambiental


  • Luiz Eugênio Concari
  • Andrei Luis Kraemer
  • Eduardo de Souza
  • Mateus Solanha
  • Tainara Perin
  • Sonia Purin da Cruz


Aveia, Fertilizantes, Inoculação


Oats are one of the main annual pastures cultivated in the winter period in the southern region of Brazil, and studies point to the potential use of growth-promoting bacteria in this crop. Diazotrophic bacteria such as the genus Azospirillum have the ability to change the morphology of the root system of plants, favoring the absorption of poorly mobile nutrients, such as phosphorus. Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis and Priestia megaterium, increase phosphorus availability and possibly reduce the use of mineral fertilizers. However, studies regarding the reduction of NPK fertilization are still non-existent. Therefore, the objective was to measure morphological and productive characteristics of white oats (Avena sativa L), submitted to inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense and strains of Bacillus subtilis and Priestia megaterium. The experiment was implemented in a randomized block design (DBC), with four treatments and five replications. The evaluated data were plant height and grain yield, and the results obtained were submitted to ANOVA, with a 5% level of distrust. Even with no static differences in the data collected regarding height, the evaluations of productivity associated with inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense showed significant gains in grain productivity of white oats, with 2,477 kg ha-1 and 50% fertilization, and the control with 100% fertilization resulted in 2549 kg ha-1 in this way, very similar, confirming the beneficial effects of Azospirillum associated with the reduction of fertilization.


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