Knowledge management contributions for industries development


  • Patrícia Pereira Pacheco
  • Cristina Keiko Yamaguchi University of Planalto Catarinense
  • Kristian Madeira


Knowledge, Industry, Organization development


Knowledge management (KM) is a topic that increases in the organizational environment, since its relationship with organizations’ development, because KM it’s about managing personal knowledge to improve activities related to their functions. This bibliographic review aims to look for studies developed on industries of various segments and countries, that carry KM in these organizations. Moreover, this intended to verify the KM contributions for industries through the articles found, and if these enterprises have used some KM assessment tool to identify the maturity level of the organizations. Based on the articles found in this review, KM is an area in which a diversity of segments looks to apply in the organizations, where most articles were published in Europe and Asia. In addition, the aim of these articles was large to find a way to improve the organizational processes through KM or to understand the comprehension of behavior issues that impact industrial activities. Therefore, this review showed the contributions of KM to the organizations, however, it was not used KM assessment models to analyze KM maturity in the industries, just tools to collect data that respond to the specific question of these research.


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