Modelos volumétricos para cultura de Pinus taeda na cidade de Lages


  • Elifas Costa Silva
  • Marcos Felipe Nicoletti


Modelos, Volumétricos, Cubagem, Critérios de Seleção


The present work aimed to adjust three volumetric models for the species of Pinus taeda in the city of Lages (SC). Although existing in the literature recommendations of different models for volumetric estimation in stands of Pinus sp., it is still important to test models and prescribe equations, since each stand has different dendrometric characteristics. In a sampling unit, a diameter of 1.3m (DBH) and total height (h) were collected for 29 trees with spacing of 2 x 2.5m, and aged 14 years, with two thinnings already being carried out. Then the trees were dimensioned by Smalian's rigorous cubing method for the totality of the respective trees. The regression coefficients were calculated, as well as the selection criteria. The findings indicated the SCHUMACHER-HAL as the bestevaluated model, with R²adjus (%) 97.53 and Syx (%) of 8.56, besides better graphic analysis of residual dispersion. 


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